30 June 2011

Yo vivo bailar, yo bailo vivar!

However you find a way to dance, do it! "Yo vivo bailar, yo bailo vivar!" -- I live to dance, I dance to live.

What I can't find a way to say with words, I can express when I dance.  All the joy, the pain, the passion, the tenderness, the anguish, the sadness, the confusion and uncertainty of "what next?", is pressed out of me. As grapes are expressed to make wine, and olives are pressed for their precious oil, dancing extracts from me my essence, the voice in me that cannot speak but must be heard.  We put courage back into ourselves by dancing:  literally and physically, we are en-couraging ourselves.

The best dancing is spiritual; the highest form of dance is worship. Not in the sense of a freaky trance of religiosity, drug-dazed hallucination, or, as some cultures believe(d), by evil demons controlling us, but spiritual in the sense that when we dance, we are able to transcend our everyday selves and release our petty, mundane worries and concerns of earth-dwelling into the faithful, loving hands of a willing God.  In the Dance of Life, He leads, we follow.

Dancing allows us to re-discover the person God intends us to be, a person free of earthly burdens who delights in the real freedom of being.  One day, when we take possession of our heavenly forms, I know we will be dancing.

"Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well.
I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."
(Jeremiah 31:13)

You're lonely....you're bored....you're frightened.  Well, stop whinging about it -- crank up the music, get up and dance!  Dance in the streets, dance under the moon, dance as if your life depends upon it, but DANCE!!

"Elle danse avec la lune"
Tangled Moon G
Photo & Design by Gitanajava Productions LLC, ©2011.


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