14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

A small Valentine gift for all our friends, clients, colleagues, and followers.  Remember to add chocolate -- or whatever sweetness brings you joy!

Best advice we ever heard when feeling forlorn and forgotten on Valentine's Day, "Be your own Valentine!"  So, stop your scoffing and sniveling and Snap Out Of It!  You are beloved and lovable, don't doubt it for a moment.  Treat yourself well and others will, too!

12 February 2014

Our Valentine's Day Solution...

Finding the right place and the right way to celebrate Valentine's Day is always a challenge.  Sometimes, it's even a headache or a dreadful duty.

We wanted something elegant but fun, exotic, romantic yet not over-the-top mushy.  Found it!  Yeh, we kinda waited until late in the week to nail our plans down, but the weather yo-yo has kept us guessing.  Still, we found our solution!

Check out the dining room:

Best of all, this is a restaurant that takes coffee seriously:

We already know we love the warm atmosphere and food.  The toughest choice of the evening will be which dessert to indulge -- right now, I'm leaning toward the decadently chocolate "Queen's Dome Cake".  Stay tuned, we'll let you know….

Meanwhile, to all our friends and beloved ones, we leave you this